Alexander Technique Expert To Give Workshops And Perform In Sydney



Pedro de Alcantara is a classically trained cellist, teacher, coach, author and exponent of the Alexander Technique, He is visiting Sydney in May conducting workshops and performing. His performing style integrates improvisation, playing different instruments and singing.

Pedro de Alcantara grew up in Sao Paulo, Brazil and moved to New York where he studied, later obtaining his Master’s degree in music from Yale University.  He studied voice at the Guildhall School in London and also undertook his training in Alexander Technique in that city. He now lives in Paris.

Sydney Alexander Technique presents an evening of music and conversation with Pedro de Alcantara.

Tickets: Advance bookings $12; at the door: $24. Light supper is included.

Bookings: [email protected] or call 0437 405 407

Pedro de Alcantara also presents three workshops:

Monday 19th May 2-4 pm: Singing, Awareness and the Alexander Technique. $77

Tuesday 20th May 2-4 pm: Listening: the Awareness of Sound. $77

Wednesday 21st May 9 am -4 pm: Freedom in the Performance of Music. $198

Private lessons are available by appointment $99/45 minutes.

There will be a public workshop from 9 am – 4.30 pm on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th May at the Crow’s Nest Centre.

Cost: $465; $380 if paid by 28 April.


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