Elizabeth Connell – she showed that opera has a conscience


This week we learnt with sadness of the death of soprano Elizabeth Connell. She thrilled audiences in Sydney and round the world with her voice and her interpretations of the great dramatic roles like Turandot, Lady Macbeth and Elektra. She sang on the most famous stages around the world – Prague, Hamburg, the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Glyndebourne, The Met, La Scala and the Sydney Opera House.

One of Connell’s most historic performances was when she travelled back to her native South Africa in 1994 to sing the role of Leonora in Beethoven’s opera of political freedom Fidelio. The performance ws staged on Robben Island the location of the notorious prison where Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for 18 years. The production celebrated 10 years of democracy in South Africa and 150 years of democracy in Norway. The international cast came from Norway, Cuba and South Africa.

These are the links to tributes from the Royal Opera, and from Opera Australia.




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