Australia Ensemble’s Dream Tracks

Sir John Clancy Auditorium 9 High Street, Kensington, NSW, Australia

Clarinet, strings and piano, evoke glimpses of place, culture and time in music by Sculthorpe, Françaix, von Weber and Grainger.

Ensemble Offspring’s ‘Sizzle’ Returns

The Great Club 160, Livingstone Road,, Marrickville, NSW, Australia

Ensemble Offspring's 'Sizzle' returns! An anarchic afternoon of art music-meets-indie-meets-pop-meets-family show.

Andreas Boyde On Melbourne Digital Concert Hall

Melbourne Digital Concert Hall

Pianist Andreas Boyde performs on Melbourne Digital Concert Hall this week with three works reflecting a tempestuous and passionate time in the lives of young Brahms and Schumann.

Celestial Baroque In Australian Brandenburg Orchestra’s ‘Higher Angels’

City Recital Hall and online 2 Angel Place, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Soprano Sara Macliver and counter-tenor Russell Harcourt join the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra directed by Paul Dyer, AO for 'Higher Angels', a program of stellar arias and orchestral works by Handel and Graun.

Australian War Requiem On ABC Classic FM

Sydney University Graduate Choir's 2018 performance of the 'Australian War Requiem' will be broadcast on ABC Classic FM 92.9 during their Lunchtime Concert (1.00- 3.00pm) on Anzac Day this year.

‘Bliss of Heaven: Music From The New World’ – A New Album From Daniel Rojas And Friends

Camelot Lounge 103 Marrickville Rd,, Marrickville, NSW, Australia

'Bliss of Heaven: Music from the New World' a new release on Da Vinci Classics, is a heavenly alchemy of mambo, salsa and Andean folk music fused with classical sensibilities, performed by Chilean-Australian pianist and composer Daniel Rojas supported by the high-energy Ensemble Apex String Quartet featuring violinist Anna da Silva Chen.
