Move Records Release Features Perth Concert Hall Organ

As the Perth Concert Hall prepares for an upgrade that will take a year and a half, this 2022 CD release titled Perth Concert Hall: Ronald Sharp Organ on the Move label might fill in the time showcasing the talents of West Australian organist Jangoo Chapkhana on the Perth Concert Hall organ.

The album is a testament to the extraordinary custom qualities of this substantial one-of-a-kind instrument. Installed between 1973 – 1977, the organ was designed specifically for the Concert Hall by legendary organ designer and builder, Ronald Sharp. Its visual artistry matches that of the Brutalist architecture of the Concert Hall whilst containing over 3,000 pipes and capacity to use them.

The repertoire of this release features compositions by some of the world’s most significant composers of organ music from Baroque and modern times, including Buxtehude, Sweelinck, Bach, Langlais, Messiaen and a 10 minute Variation on Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring composed by organist, Jangoo Chapkhana.

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