Latest news
A New Release From Bowerbird Collective
The Bowerbird Collective is to launch its newest album on 5 July, 2023. Titled Life on Land’s Edge, this new performance work will take you on an epic journey alongside migratory shorebirds as they connect continents and cultures.
Deutsche Grammophon Releases Ólafsson Goldberg Variations
Víkingur Ólafsson, celebrated for his visionary interpretations of J.S. Bach, and one of the greatest pianists and musical minds of today, now takes on Bach’s monumental Goldberg Variations.
Latin American Piano Music A New Release On Move
Pianist Alejandro Alberto Téllez Vargas has released a new disc on the Move label. Latin American Piano Music is a collection of
15 works by Mexican and Cuban composers like Ernesto Lecuona, Manuel M Ponce and Ricardo Castro.
Hayley Lau Wins Concerto Competition
Violist Hayley Lau has won the overall prize in the prestigious NSW Secondary Schools Concerto Competition conducted by the Ku-ring-gai Philharmonic Orchestra.
IFAC Australian Singing Competition Semi-Finalists
Ten young singers have been chosen from entrants around Australia and New Zealand to compete in the semi-finals of the 2023 IFAC Australian Singing Competition.
Madeleine Easton Delivers A Landmark Event In Sydney
Over three nights, virtuoso violinist Madeleine Easton performed the landmark solo sonatas and partitas for violin by J S Bach.
Latest reviews
Concert Review: Die Stille Nacht/ Australian Haydn Ensemble/Greco/Farrow
The Australian Haydn Ensemble’s Die Stille Nacht featuring baritone David Greco and flautist Melissa Farrow, reached beyond the era by which it is defined and presented a charming selection of Baroque works by Vivaldi, Telemann, Hasse and Biber.
Concert Review: Mendelssohn String Quartets/ Nomad String Quartet
This quartet use musical means to hold fascinating interchanges that revel in emotion and intellectual rigor.