Seduced by the song company in La Serenissima

Seduced by the song company in La Serenissima

  The Song Company Love in Venice The City Recital Hall, Sydney Wednesday March 14th 2012 The contemporary relevance of 16th century European music is ever real.  Roland Peelman, Artistic Director of The Song Company proved this when he chose 9 madrigals composed between 1603 and 1619, from Claudio Monteverdi’s vast oeuvre, and paired them with the highly theatrical…

Fall in love, fake it, get over it – ‘Love in Venice’ with the song company

Fall in love, fake it, get over it – ‘Love in Venice’ with the song company

  The Song Company has launched its 2012 national season and comes to Sydney this week on Wednesday March 14th bringing us Love in Venice featuring the music of just two Venetian composers – Claudio Monteverdi and Adriano Banchieri. Roland Peelman, artistic director of The Song Company has selected nine beautiful and sensual Erotic Madrigals by Monteverdi and in contrast, Banchieri’s 1623 comic madrigal opera Barca diVenezia…

The Secret’s out!

The Secret’s out!

Beautiful black and white images from the rehearsals of the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra’s current season of Venice Secrets. The season continues at the City Recital Hall. Images taken by Steven Godbee and reproduced with his kind permission.